Thursday, January 18, 2007


World-pain. Sadness or depression at the state of, and unfairness of, the world, and humanity.

Optimism is a load of crap.

So is fate.

I've always said that there's someone perfect out there for everyone, and everything will be okay in the end, and fate will lead you to the right path.

If that's so, why did Daniel kill himself? It won't be okay for him, or his parents, or his friends. Why did Emily's dad have to die? It will never be okay for Emily or her family, and of all the people who could have been on that road, why someone who was so special to someone so amazing? Why is Nick so sad? And why do people think that killing themselves, or other people, will ever make anything better?

It isn't fair. I know life isn't fair, and it's something we have to accept. I can also accept I've been naive. The world isn't all sunshine and smiles, and nor is my little bubble in it.


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