Saturday, July 31, 2010

Today is a flower buying day.

I feel like every second person I've seen today has been carrying flowers.

The weather is warm. It's good. Still cloudy, but just that little bit warmer. Cardigan weather. A week ago it was hats and gloves and scarves and heater-blasting. Of course, the nice weather will probably not last, it's probably just teasing us, and soon we'll be back into full-blown winter.

But in the meantime, I am going to buy flowers.

And maybe have some kind of picnic.

I am feeling surprisingly un-hungover now, considering how horrendously ill I felt this morning.

A cocktail or two last night with my lady-love Samantha turned into a bottle of wine or (more like) two (each). We sat in the rooftop garden at my work after I finished, with the pretty fairy-lights and city view. It was lovely. Then we went home, and Richard and Sim had built an epic fort in the loungeroom. There were tent poles involved. It was an amazing fort. More wine ensued, and unfortunately I went straight from feeling sober to oh-god-I'm-going-to-fall-over drunk, at which point I went to bed, at 2 a.m., with work this morning at 9. When I woke up I thought I might vom. Death death death hangover. But I had a springroll for breakfast, a bitchload of water, then cheesey bacony rolls for lunch, and copious amounts of diet-coke, and now, I feel much better.

Chilling at work, drinking diet-coke, listening to Blur, thinking about flowers, going home in an hour or so, to a lovely warm afternoon (the sun is starting to come out now) at home with my lover. I couldn't be happier.

I actually feel so cheerful now, that I think I'll go and do some work. Wewww.

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