Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Some things, from this year.

We went to the country. It was a failed mission. But not all bad.

I went jetskiing, and it was awesome. This isn't a photo of anything jetski related, but of us filling up the car before going to coast. I liked the idea that our car ran on Pepsi.

I hacked all my hair off, and liked it very much. I think I'll keep it short for a while.

We moved house, and our bedroom has a stained glass window. It's one of my favourite places in the world now. It's always warm, if very messy.

We went to the folk festival, as usual. But this year the festival outdid itself. It was the best I've been to so far. I loved every minute. I want to run away and join the gypsies.

My kitten. Not technically mine, she was my housemate Dave's, but I loved her like she was mine. Somebody ran her over a few weeks ago. She was sweet and affectionate and funny looking and beautiful.

Really, this has been a good year.

I feel like we triumphed in the face of adversity. So many things went to shit, but we kept it together, and now we're in a good place. There are still some shitty things, but we're getting over them, they don't really matter.

All my needs are covered, the rest is just detail.

I have a newfound drive. I want to get shit done. And I know that I can.

I'm still really determined to travel. It always seems like as my income increases, so do my expenses and I don't know how. I'm just bad with money. But tomorrow I will go to the bank and open a new account, a savings account which I can't touch, and little by little, I'll get there. I want to go to Prague in Spring. I want to go to Morocco. I want to go to the Caribbean. Anais Nin says that in Morocco you rediscover the word 'azure'. I want to go to the Deep South and see real live rednecks.

By this point in my holiday dreaming I have become overstimulated and am in danger of injuring myself.

I bid you adieu.

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