Sunday, August 08, 2010

I feel better.

Work yesterday was brutal. I worked until 8 on Friday night, then went out and stayed up until like four in the morning. Went to work on Saturday at 9 a.m., worked until 8 p.m., and the day was one of those awful ones where the majority of the time you're bored out of your mind, but when it rains it pours and you suddenly get swamped by a million things to do and a bunch of cranky people.

Then after work, and after a fair amount of confusion to do with meeting up with people and being places, I went home briefly, then over to the new Redfern house. We met up with Steven, and while Richie and I were waiting for him we had nice big chats and came up with a nice little hypothetical housing plan, and bought weird and wonderful foreign softdrinks. We ended up hanging out at Redferm until like 3 a.m. listening to Soulja Boy's new song about Dragon Ball Z (yeah.) and then finally trekked home where I promptly crashed the fuck out because I was deliriously tired.

Then I came to work again at 9 this morning and it's been a similarly on-and-off busy day to Saturday, but I feel much, much better. Yesterday I was cranky at everyone I saw at work, and today I'm full of energy. I think I got so tired I passed the wall, and now I could go for yearsssss. But I am still really looking forward to nice warm comfy bed when I get home.

So, the hypothetical house plan.

Basically, Richie and I still live together, but, we have two houses! Richie's going to try to take over Noriko's old lease, for her little bedsit down the road from the new Redfern house. Then, I'm going to hopefully get an apartment at work, like 4 doors down the hallway from my office. So, we'll each have our own place, with all our stuff, but we'll pretty much move back and forth as we please when it's convenient. So when I have early starts at work, or just want to be in Kings Cross for whatever reason, we can stay at my house, and when I have the morning or the day off and we hang out at the new Redfern house we've got a nice place to crash that's just around the corner, right next door to Amy & Harry's place, and near all our favourite Redfern cafes and such (and the bagel shop!).

I think it's an okay plan, and we can afford it because I get paid more if I live at work because I can be on call, and Noriko's studio is amazingly cheap, so Richie can even afford it while he's still looking for a job. Though we should probably just find a place somewhere in between with more space.

I totally freaked out yesterday. I got so so stressed out I was on the verge of tears for most of the day, and I felt like everything was just falling to pieces. I started to think that maybe it won't be okay, maybe this one awful situation won't sort itself out, and we'll get totally fucked over, and maybe things like that will just continue to happen and things will never be okay again. I couldn't comprehend how so many people, the majority of people, just deal. They have somewhere to live and they go to work every day and they have friends and they deal with the world. I felt like I could just never do it, like I couldn't cope. So yeah, basically I really really freaked out and got very upset.

But I think things will be okay.

I get to go home in four hours. And although I do have work tomorrow, it's not until 2, so I am essentially free after 8 p.m. tonight. Can't wait.

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