Saturday, December 16, 2006

Reading these makes me feel happily insignificant. I feel like no matter how complex things become, it will all be okay, because there are people out there dealing with things so much worse. They can still take the time to show me that. It doesn't matter if your problems seem insignificant or superficial compared to someone elses, because they're yours and you still have to deal with them; but hearing someone elses story, instead of making you feel shallow, can make you see that it's okay if the world isn't perfect, and that bad things happen to everyone, and that you can come out okay.

It makes me realise that it's okay to consider giving up, so long as you don't actually do it. Things get icky, but think of how many people, how many grown-ups, are successful, or at least doing alright. All the bad stuff now, it matters, but it will pass, and it will all work out.

I feel much more at peace having realised that. And I know sometimes, when someone says they'll never leave, they'll always be there for you, they can't hold themselves to that, but I also know that's alright because I do the same thing. People grow apart. What matters is that they mean it now, and if something happens now, you know they'll try. And when things change, and they can't be there, or they don't want to be, for whatever reason, there'll be someone else. I don't mean to say I'm fickle (though I am), or so loved that I'll never be lonely, but I have faith that no matter what happens, what relationships fall and what new ones form, there will always be somewhere to go, and someone to turn to. It's a very reassuring, and sobering thought.

I thought I'd fried my brain, that everything more than skin deep had faded from my mind, but I think I'll be okay now.

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