Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guh, making mix tapes is so hard! You have to get the right genres together.. and the best examples of each artist.. and then you have to make sure the mood of the whole thing flows.. and then you have to make it all fit on the one CD!!!

It's Dunja's birthday on Monday, and I said I'd burn the Spice Girls for her, but I decided I need to give her something a little more 'me' as well. So I've been slaving away for the past hour trying to cut down my 'Bouncy Fun' album, next I have the 'Honest Vulnerability' album to do.. even harder!

As well as it being difficult I keep getting distracted ----- whoa, crazy deja vu ----- by the awesomeness of the music!

:listens to Do What You Want by Ok! Go:

Also, Ben is evil. He is going down. I will have my sweet (wet) revenge.

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