Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How excitement =) Despite a couple o' stressy issues poking at me when I let my guard down, things are pretty damn happiness. Coffee in 2 and a half hours with Ben, and with Nikola three hours after that. And it's okay that the badge I bought Ben is one he already had, because his broke! See, I'm psychic, nyah? And then work tomorrow, which is fine, and Tehliah's film screening after that, and then maybe something with mon garcon-ami, which should be lovely. Sleep in! And then off to Sydney with ma mere est ma souer at about 3. Must remember to take swimmers as it's warm there and even if it were cold the pool at my auntie's is indoors and heated =) Hopefully will see Lucy, and Samantha too. Lovely lovely people. =) Then after work on Monday... Camping! Yay for camping =) Hope it all works out with the camping.. Work again Thursday, maybe coffee with Tehliah, Kent, Michael, and Phillip on Friday, and then... Dresden Dolls! Oh the yay =)

So, anyone read Angela's Ashes? I'm like, not even half-way through it, but it makes me cry so much! I always feel kind of stupid crying over books, but this is like, severely tragic... Maybe I should take How To Have A Beautiful Mind by Edward de Bono on the bus with me instead... crying in front of a bus-load of strangers might earn me a few weird looks...

Now, it's icon making time! :goes off to make bondage icons:

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