Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Kids don't sell their hopes so fast..."

But the prospect of getting out of maths study would tempt them, I think.

3+ hours of maths = slow and painful death.

And I'm sure I'll remember none of it during the exam.

Who would have thought that the green speaker jack goes in the yellow hole, and *not* the matching green one? Surely I cannot be mocked for getting that one wrong... Though maybe I can be just a little mocked for severely freaxing out, and not thinking of that despite the fact that it happens all the time.

It was the most gorgeous day today. I'm always surprised at how quickly Spring sets in. Last week it was *freezing* then, as soon as it was officially Spring; happy families, sunny weather, flowers in bloom, etc. So so lovely.

Thinking of Summer now,


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