Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm going to start caring about stuff, and actually knowing about stuff, and doing stuff about stuff I don't like. Later?

I'm sad about nuclear energy. In year 8 we learnt all about Green Energy in Science and I can't believe how stupid some people are! Like the lady who lives at Lake George who violently opposed the installation of a wind farm on one of the hills surrounding the lake because it will 'ruin the vista'. But acid rain and radiation poisoning are way cool? And why don't we use tidal energy? Australia has some of the most powerful tides anywhere in the world and tidal energy harvesting turbines can be installed below the high tide water level so they're insivible at high tide, and these places are too dangerous to swim anyway. Australia is perfect for solar, wind, and tidal energy, and we want to use nuclear energy? Guh.

Greens still haven't got back to me about volunteering =( Might send them another email...

:listens to Grey Ghost by Mike Doughty:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I can't believe how stupid some people are!"

hahahaha... Do you have any idea how long it takes a wind farm to pay for itself in terms of electricity produced? Or thought about the area they take up compared to alternative methods?

And tidal? What about the environmental repercussions? Just because you can't swim there doesn't mean other things don't live down there. It would be like a friggen coastal snowy hydro scheme. I'd like to see the greens pass that through parliament, let alone public opinion.

Nuclear power is one of the cleanest methods of generating electricity. The only major problem is waste disposal. Other countries have all made most of the big mistakes and that would ensure that australia doesn't make them itself. To be perfectly honest, go read, get a clue, and stop getting your information out of those little hippie handouts they give you at the rallies that you go to even though you don't understand the meaning behind the protest, or the history.

Lower the voting age? Please God, no.