Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sydney weekend was, in most parts, a success! Went swimming. Discovered my mother's spiritual role model is Better Midler. Had much Sydney fun with Nikola and Twirly Friends. Made up with boyfriend whom I was semi-fighting-type-thing/sad with (this was sealed today when he read my journal and felt guilty, though this was not my expectation. I was waiting for angry or some such...). Had spa-hilarity with Samantha and Samantha's adorable Argentinian boyfriend and some random drunk guy who offered me a beer in exchange for a glance at my boobs. Had a dress bought for me. Succeeded in (belated) Lani-present buying. Ate a really big lollypop. Oh yeah.

Worried about a friend who has sadness where I wish he had happiness. Hopefully will see him tomorrow when I go to buy bus tickets for D-Day =)

Went shopping today! After plum forgetting to meet friends at 10, I met them at more like 12 I think... Got free shit (namely toy gun and 'Hazel' and 'Derek' name meaning magnets..) from Homebase, bought cute shirts/jumpers, resisted the urge to buy beads, gift wrapped another Lani birthday present (Light! Music! Eddy!), laughed at Lex, DDR'd, went to Lex's, walked a very long way home, badgered the boyfriend to come over (he resisted, damn him!), bathed, ate pie, blogged, sleep comes soon please?

Omgwtfbbq! I'm doing Road Ready! Yay! I will soon be able to learn to drive! This may not be a good thing. Oh, and Lex must burn me music, then my life will be complete. As soon as I get that $100 million I'm waiting on...

:bounce, yawn, sleep:

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